Leading the way – yet again
SOMA GmbH has once again triumphed in the Top 100 innovation competition and will now bear the Top 100 2025 seal of quality, which is only awarded to particularly innovative medium-sized companies. Science journalist Ranga Yogeshwar will personally congratulate SOMA on this achievement at the award ceremony on 27 June 2025 in Mainz as part of the 10th German SME Summit. He is a mentor for the TOP 100 innovation competition.
For the second year in a row, SOMA has been named one of the top innovators among German medium-sized companies. The TOP 100 award recognises SOMA's pioneering innovations in the field of plant engineering for industrial production. Under the motto TECHNOLOGY JUST FOR YOU, SOMA has launched a large number of innovative solutions in recent years that are used in future-oriented industries such as e-mobility, photovoltaics and the electronics industry.
From customer-specific testing technology and intelligent automation solutions, the digital worker assistance system flexAssistant, fully automatic dosing processes to more efficient and sustainable concepts for production technologies, SOMA has proven its position as an innovation leader in industrial plant engineering for the manufacture of products for the energy transition.
The TOP 100 is based on a scientific selection process. On behalf of compamedia, the organiser of the competition, a scientific team analyses the innovative strength of the participants on the basis of more than 100 test criteria in five categories: innovation-promoting top management, climate of innovation, innovative processes and organisation, external orientation/open innovation and innovation success (the test criteria can be viewed at www.top100-germany.com/test-criteria).
TOP 100 – the competition
Since 1993, compamedia has been awarding the TOP 100 seal to small and medium-sized enterprises that demonstrate particular innovativeness and above-average innovation success. Prof. Dr. Nikolaus Franke has been the scientific head of the project since 2002.
Prof. Franke is the founder and CEO of the Institute for Entrepreneurship and Innovation at the Vienna University of Economics and Business. With 27 research prizes and over 200 publications, he is one of the leading innovation researchers worldwide.
Science journalist Ranga Yogeshwar is the mentor of TOP 100. The Fraunhofer Society for the Advancement of Applied Research and the German SME association BVMW are project partners. Manager Magazin is a media partner and ZEIT für Unternehmer is a cooperation partner.